Juan García Barceló, born in Vilafranca del Penedès in 1918 and graduated in chemistry in 1943, fully dedicated his activity to the field of oenological research. García Barceló began his professional career at INIA (National Institute for Agronomic Research) and continued at the Institute of Industrial Fermentations of the Juan de la Cierva Board of Trustees (1946-1950), finally ending up at the Vilafranca del Penedès Oenological Station, now INCAVI ( Institut Catalá de La Vinya i el Vi), where he completed his professional career, within the analytical field, complementing it as a technical advisor for various companies in the sector.

During the 1950s, Juan García Barceló combined his work with the development and manufacture of analog laboratory instruments under the METEOR brand, creating his first equipment such as pH meters, colorimeters, conductivity meters and flame photometers, among others.

Manufactures of Juan Garcia Barceló with his old Meteor brand.

From left to right:

Top row: Portable pH meter; Benchtop pH meters; Industrial pH meter.

Bottom row: Another benchtop pH meter; Electroanalyzer; Conductimeter.

Garcia Barceló, a creative person with a restless mind, publishes several works and writings on analytical oenology, among which we must highlight the following: Born entrepreneur, at 57 years of age he founded, in 1975, the company GAB Systematic analytics S.L. together with his son Joan X. García Batlle who inherited the creative genetics of his father. An alliance that then makes them pioneers in the development of specific methods and reagents for wine analysis.

Classic GAB fabrications, from left to right:

Top row: Ebulliometer; Volatimeter; Toning + (plus).

Bottom row: Pack of reducing sugars AAZ; Sulfurous SO2 pack; CML chromatography pack.

This entrepreneurial genetics endures today as the third generation arrives. It is therefore Lluis García Ferrero who, at the age of 28 and after finishing his engineering degree and an MBA, joins GAB following the family path with a renewed vision of the future. Fact that allows the company to grow both nationally and internationally, thus reaching a presence in more than 30 countries. To do this and to support this vision of the future, Lluis renews and modernizes those instruments that were created by his grandfather and founder of this solid company and creates new products and services to meet the needs of the current market.

From left to right:

Top row: Juan Garcia Barceló and Joan X. Garcia Batlle (1995); Joan X. Garcia Batlle and Lluís Garcia Ferrero (2011)

Bottom row: Physical store overview (2010)

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