In stock Dosificación PIPETA PASTEUR 300 mm PLASTICO c/100 PIPP-230-100 €17.55 PIPETA PASTEUR 300 mm PLASTICO c/100 Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Varios PIPETA PASTEUR 50 mm d=1.19 mm 210005 €24.27 PIPETA PASTEUR 50 mm d=1.19 mm Add to cart
In stock Papel y Placas Filtrantes PLACA FILTRANTE MINIJET -1- (grueso-azul) 5-10 um 3/pcs 14669 €4.37 PLACA FILTRANTE MINIJET -1- (grueso-azul) 5-10 um 3/pcs Add to cart
In stock Papel y Placas Filtrantes PLACA FILTRANTE MINIJET -2- (fino-rojo) 2-3 um 3/pcs 14679 €4.59 PLACA FILTRANTE MINIJET -2- (fino-rojo) 2-3 um 3/pcs Add to cart
In stock Papel y Placas Filtrantes PLACA FILTRANTE MINIJET -3- (esteril-verdel) 1-1,5 um 3/pcs 14689 €5.05 PLACA FILTRANTE MINIJET -3- (esteril-verdel) 1-1,5 um 3/pcs Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Probetas PROBETA GRADUADA 1000 ml BAJA 3026254 €46.50 PROBETA GRADUADA 1000 ml BAJA Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Probetas PROBETA GRADUADA 5 ml 3026325 €3.56 PROBETA GRADUADA 5 ml Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Dosificación PUNTA MICROPIPETA BLANCA 1-5 ml DELTALAB b/250 162005 €15.75 PUNTA MICROPIPETA BLANCA 1-5 ml DELTALAB b/250 Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Dosificación PUNTA MICROPIPETA BLANCA 10 ml DELT. b/100 4018062 €15.63 PUNTA MICROPIPETA BLANCA 10 ml DELT. b/100 Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Dosificación PUNTA MICROPUNTA 10 ul 4018068 €65.00 PUNTA MICROPUNTA 10 ul Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Soportes y Pinzas SOPORTE para 2 CONOS SEDIMENTACION IMHOFF en metacrilato 191056 €94.00 SOPORTE para 2 CONOS SEDIMENTACION IMHOFF en metacrilato Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Tubos, Frascos y Tapones TAPON 11 mm P/TUBO 3 ml bolsa 2000 ud 305308 €33.65 TAPON 11 mm P/TUBO 3 ml bolsa 2000 ud Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Tubos, Frascos y Tapones TAPON 12 mm P/TUBO 5 ml bolsa 2000 ud 305808 €33.65 TAPON 12 mm P/TUBO 5 ml bolsa 2000 ud Add to cart
In stock Tubos, Frascos y Tapones TAPON 16 mm P/TUBO 10 ml 500 ud 307207 €17.30 TAPON 16 mm P/TUBO 10 ml 500 ud Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Tubos, Frascos y Tapones TARRO AUTOPRECINTABLE 100ML PP OPACO c/150 202911N €110.70 TARRO AUTOPRECINTABLE 100ML PP OPACO c/150 Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Tubos, Frascos y Tapones TARRO B/ANCHA 2000 ml c/obturador 202820 €2.06 TARRO B/ANCHA 2000 ml c/obturador Add to cart