Temporarily out of stock Enzimáticos ACETIC ACID ENZYTEC E1226 €250.70 ACETIC ACID ENZYTEC Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Enzimáticos ACETIC ACID RIDA CUBE SCAN RCS4226 €261.90 ACETIC ACID RIDA CUBE SCAN Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Enzimáticos ACIDO ACETICO ENZYTEC LIQUID 2x25 det. E8226 €293.40 ACIDO ACETICO ENZYTEC LIQUID 2x25 det. Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Agitación AGITADOR MAGNETICO ST10 con bateria recargable G-STIRRER10 €104.00 AGITADOR MAGNETICO ST10 con bateria recargable Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Químicos ALCOHOL ISOPROPILICO envase 25 L 1015006 €215.00 ALCOHOL ISOPROPILICO envase 25 L Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Enzimáticos AMONIACO ENZYTEC LIQUID 50 det. E8390 €169.70 AMONIACO ENZYTEC LIQUID 50 det. Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Enzimáticos AMONIACO NH4 RIDA CUBE SCAN RCS4390 €220.30 AMONIACO NH4 RIDA CUBE SCAN Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Electrodos y Sondas CABLE ELECTRODO AS7/ 3m /BNC 2243840 €106.35 CABLE ELECTRODO AS7/ 3m /BNC Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Enzimáticos CITRIC ACID ENZYTEC LIQUID 2x25 det. E8230 €246.20 CITRIC ACID ENZYTEC LIQUID 2x25 det. Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Electrodos y Sondas COMPENSADOR CAT para PH series 7 y 70 G-CATNT55 €80.00 COMPENSADOR CAT para PH series 7 y 70 Add to cart
Temporarily out of stock Conductimetría CONDUCTIMETRO PORTATIL CON70 VIO XS, completo con maleta, funda de goma, disoluciones... G-COND70V-3 €507.00 CONDUCTIMETRO PORTATIL CON70 VIO XS, completo con maleta, funda de goma, disoluciones patrón, célula con CAT y manual español Add to cart